Original list begun by Sandy Bridges, U.S.A., and printed in 7/95 Basenji
Club of America Bulletin Board Newsletter.
AFRICAN STOCK PROJECT, compiled by Susan Coe and sponsored by the Basenji
Club of America. This invaluable loose-leafed book was first published in September
1998 and is a on-going project. Additions are made and updates are available
annually as new data and new photographs come to light. Each page is dated so
that new and old can be recognized easily. Also on offer is a CD of the website. The CD contains better quality video
than on the web and can be used by a Windows or Macintosh PC having MS Internet
Explorer or Netscape browser version 4 or higher installed. Quicktime installer
is included to view the videos.
To order a Compact Disk which contains the Project website (CD contains better
quality video than on the web) send: Price covers postage and handling. Make checks or money orders payable to the
BCOA in U.S. funds only. Foreign orders please mail or email Linda Siekert
sinbaje@comcast.net for prices.
The BCOA African Project also has information on this book at: http://basenji.org/african/intro.htm#order AT HOME WITH BASENJIS - Revised and published by the Basenji Club of
South-eastern Wisconsin. Paperback only. A comprehensive book that covers many
aspects of Basenji ownership. This latest revision contains updated photographs,
new and expanded topics, including items on history, traits, training and care.
$7 a copy (U.S.). Quantities of four or more are available to breeders and rescue
groups @ $4.50 each (U.S.) Cheques should be payable to BCOSW. AUGUST MAGIC A novel (ISBN: 0-9658488-4-1), by Veronica Anne Starbuck.
The author is an avid Basenji fancier who actively supports Basenji rescue and
adoption. In her book she uses powerful fiction to explore the unconditional
love of a dog. A must for all who appreciate our unique Breed. The second paperback
edition was published in September, 2001 by Windigo Harbor Media, P.O. Box 182397,
Shelby Twp., MI 48318-2397 U.S.A. It can be ordered for $14.95 U.S. (plus shipping
and handling) from http://www.WindigoHarborMedia.com.
THE BARKLESS DOG by B. Bickering, Jr. and R. J. Brach, Exposition-Banner
Publications, 1962. Library of Congress card # 62 1952D THE BASENJI by Robert Vavra. Privately published by author. BASENJI, DOG FROM THE PAST by Forrest Bryant Johnson. Limited edition
(privately published 1971, 1978) Reprinted 1993--available at a cost of $19.00
from A Thousand Autumns Press, 760 Hermosa Palms Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 98123,
U.S.A. BASENJI written in Spanish by Menchu Gutierrez. Price about $46 including
postage. http://libros.netstoreusa.com/0110/9788/9788426449184.shtml BASENJI by Juliette Cunliffe. ISBN 1-903098-97-1 with additional Code
09518. Published by Vincent Lane, Dorking, Surrey RH4 3YX. At the moment it
is subject to a price reduction on the W.H. Smith website but the cover price
is £12.99. This hard-back book is packed with excellent colour photos and drawings
galore all printed on decent quality glossy paper. It covers just about everything
you need to know about the history & characteristics of the Breed, taking
in Puppies, Everyday Care, Training, Health & Showing on the way. BASENJIS - FAVOURITES AMONG PHARAOHS AND HUNTERS IN THE JUNGLE is, for
the moment in Swedish only. It is by Helena Strombert who has been enjoying
a love-affair with Basenjis for many years, and well-known judge Ing-Marie Hagelin
and contains many wonderful photographs. I am sure the text is just as interesting
and look forward to reading it in translation shortly. It will be available
from Helena Strombert, Norrby Tradgard, S-595 54 MJOLBY, Sweden (Tel: +46 142-12798)
for £7.00. US prices to follow. BASENJI FEVER by A.C. Dehass, published in 1980 by Arthur H. Stockwell
Limited. This is a small paperback book of poems. A BASENJI FOR ME by Mirrie Cardew, © 1979 & 1986 by Mirrie
St. Erme Cardew, published by Midland Counties Publications, 24 the Hollow,
Earl Shilton, Leicester, LE9 7NA, U.K. THE BASENJI - A HANDBOOK Issued in 1958 by the Basenji Owners &
Breeders Association. THE BASENJI ILLUSTRATED by Robert W. Cole, ©1978, privately published
by Robert Cole, 1336 Lexington St., Ottawa, K2C 1R9, Ontario, Canada. THE BASENJI IN NEW SOUTH WALES 1968-1993 (History of the Basenji Club
of New South Wales, Australia--25th anniversary publication), various authors,
published by the Basenji Club of New South Wales, 1993. BASENJIS - LOVE LAUGHTER AND TEARS by Ann Cooper. This is a light spiralled
book of poems about Basenjis the Author has known over many years. Published
privately and available from Ann Cooper, 18 Woodend, Deep Cut, Camberley, Surrey,
England. THE BASENJI, OUT OF AFRICA TO YOU by Susan Coe, Doral Publishing, 1990.
THE BASENJI, OUT OF AFRICA TO YOU - A NEW LOOK by Susan Coe, Doral Publishing,
8560 SW Salish Lane, Suite 300, Wilsonville, OR 97070-9612, U.S.A., published
1994. Order through book stores or directly from publisher. Call toll free (800)
633-5385 or FAX (508) 682-2648. BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA YEARBOOK - 1965 Compiled by Shirley Chambers,
produced by John J. Brocato. Cover sketch by A. Carlyle Davies BASENJI KLUB DEUTSCHLAND - 1977-1997. Twenty years of Basenjis in Germany
are celebrated in a new book, published by the Klub and edited by Uschi Grewe
to coincide with the recent 20th Anniversary Championship Show. BASENJI OWNER'S MANUAL (47 page spriral bound manual published by Evergreen
Basenji Club Members & friends of Basenjis, 1996 revision.). To order, send
$10 (U.S.) postage to: Evergreen Basenji Club, Inc. 325 S. Washington Ave #213
by BOBA, March 1999. BASENJI OWNERS & BREEDERS ASSOCIATION HANDBOOK 1999-2003. Published by BOBA, March 2004.
THE BASENJI STACKED AND MOVING by Robert Cole. An illustrated explanation
of the 1954 breed standard. Available from Doral Publishing, 8560 S.W. Salish
Lane, Suite 300, Wilsonville, OR 97070-9612, U.S.A. Call TOLL FREE (800) 633-5385
or FAX (503) 682-2648. BASENJIS by Jack Shafer & Bob Mankey, T.F.H. Publications, Inc.,
1990. BASENJIS CHARTED FOR COUNTED CROSS-STITCH, 1987, published privately
by Carmella Troisi-Hoerr, 515 E Carefree Hwy - PMB 925
Phoenix, AZ 85085 U.S.A., telephone:
(602) 206-4485. BASENJIS, THE BARKLESS DOG by Veronica Tudor-Williams (the red book)
(1946) pub. by James Heap. BASENJIS, THE BARKLESS DOG by Veronica Tudor-Williams (the blue book)
(©1946 first edition, 1954--2nd edition), Watmoughs Limited, Idle, Bradford
& London. (Second edition is revised with different photographs.) THE BASENJI YEARBOOK 1992 published by the Northern Basenji Society,
England. BASENJIS, THE BARKLESS DOG by Veronica Tudor-Williams, (the rust
book) (1976) published by David & Carles. "BINTI, ADVENTURES WITH A BASENJI" by Catherine Ritlaw. CALL OF THE MARSH by Jill Wylie, Rhodesian Publishing Co., 1979. Also
in paperback, out of print. CANDLE, A STORY OF LOVE AND FAITH by Sally Ann Smith. A colorfully illustrated
Christmas fable. Available from Doral Publishing, 8560 SW Salish Lane, Suite
300, Wilsonville, OR 97070-9612, U.S.A. Call TOLL FREE (800) 635-5385 or FAX
(503) 682-2648. CANIS BASENJI by Robert Vavra. THE cartoon book about life with Basenjis.
$13.00 includes postage. Checks payable to B.C.O.A.; order from Loretta Kelly,
8800 Ridgehill Dr., Austin, TX 78759, U.S.A. (allow six weeks for delivery).
A CHRISTMAS FABLE by Andie Paysinger, 1989. Available from author, 45800
Challenger Way, Space 239, Lancaster, CA 93535-1437, U.S.A., (805) 945-7703,
Email: asenji@THEMALL.NET COLLECTED KONA : BRIEF TAKE ON A BASENJI A collection of Marcia Woodard's writings in the AKC Gazette featuring her dog, Kona. With full-color photographs. Available on Amazon of from Marcia marcia@barkless.com
THE COMPLETE BASENJI by Elspet Ford, Howell Book House, New York, U.S.A.,
published 1993. (Also published by Maxwell MacMillan Canada, Inc., Don Mills,
Ontario, Canada, and Ringpress Books). CURLY TAILS AND OTHER BASENJI NONSENSE, Susan Coe A DINGO IN THE FAMILY, by Gill Rhyorchuk. Published by Inkata Press
Pty Ltd, 1980. ISBN 0 909605 19 x 0 909605 20 3 (paperback). Gill has had the
privilege of owning both Basenjis and Dingoes as well as a Basenji-X and this
book talks about her experiences with both breeds and discusses the differences
and the similarities between them. THE DOG WITH BAD NAME by K. D. Nason THE DOGS OF OUR LIVES compiled by Louise Goodyear Murray, a Birch Lane
Press Book published by Carol Publishing Group ISBN 1-55972-289-4, contains,
according to the dustcover, "Heartwarming Reminiscences of Canine Companions."
Included are three stories by Sally Ann Smith, "The Chance of a Lifetime",
"The Legend of the Littlest Basenji" and "The Dog at Night". This
last title is a wonderful poem from which Sally has taken her tagline..."Truth
can lurk just out of sight. And only the nose can see at night." FULA, BASENJI FROM THE JUNGLE by Veronica Tudor-Williams. The story
of the 1959 search for Basenji puppies in the South Sudan. $19.50 includes shipping
in the U.S.A. All profits from this book donated to charity at request of Veronica
Tudor-Williams. Available from Susan Coe, publisher; 789 Linton Hill Road, Newtown,
PA 18940, U.S.A., telephone (215) 680-8254. HEART OF THE SAVANNAH (ISBN 0-9658488-3-3), by Veronica Anne Starbuck,
is the "prequel" to the highly acclaimed novel and new Basenji classic "August
Magic." Stolen from her village as a young puppy, Savannah finds herself thousands
of miles away, living with a fisherman and his family on the small barrier island
of Hatteras, just off the North Carolina coast. Ms. Starbuck shows she can capture
the spirit of this ancient breed and spin a tale to exercise the emotions. This
262-page paperback book is published by Windigo Harbor Media, P.O. Box 182397,
Shelby Twp., MI 48318-2397 U.S.A. It can be ordered for $12.95 U.S. (plus shipping
and handling) from http://www.WindigoHarborMedia.com. GOODBYE MY LADY by James Street, ©1941 published by Peoples Book
Club and J. B. Lippincott Co., 1954. HOW TO RAISE AND TRAIN A BASENJI by Jack Shafer and Bob Mankey, THF
Publications and Crown Publications, 1966. (has been re-released several times
and is usually available in pet stores.) JUNGLE FOR SALE by Henry Trefflich. Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc.,
New York. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 67-24653. This book is
by the person who imported Kindu and Kasenji. It contains a section on Basenjis.
story about a Bushman youth in Pre-Historic Africa dreaming of taming a wild
dog to help his clan not lose their game. LIVING WITH BASENJIS (published by the Basenji Club of Southeastern
Wisconsin). (See AT HOME WITH BASENJIS) MAGNOLIA BASENJI CLUB HANDBOOK, 1971, out of print. THE NEW KNOWLEDGE OF DOG BEHAVIOR by Clarence Pfaffenberger. Published
in 1963 by Hardback Howell Books. Clarence Pfaffenberger was a member of the
Board of Directors of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Inc., of San Rafael, CA. The
book is based on the research carried out by the Author and by Dr J. Paul Scott
and includes photos of Basenjis and Basenji/Cocker crosses - called "Hybasco"
(Hybrid Basenji-Cocker Spaniel) and "Cobasco" (Hybrid Hybasco-Cocker Spaniel).
A Complete Pet Owner's Manual - BASENJIS by Mary Lou Kenworthy. Published
by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. Part of Barron's Educational Series on
dogs, this will be available from April 2006. A great book for anyone contemplating
getting a Basenji. It will either turn them off of the breed or, if they are
brave, it will help them cope with a basenji. Some people already familiar with
the breed will probably learn something too. It's a great book at a great price
and just full of wonderful pictures. It will be a good book to give along with
QTUTU FOLLOWS THROUGH - TALES OF AN AFRICAN BASENJI by Cynthia Slater. Published by Authorhouse in February 2008.
ISBN-13 9781434336026. Available new from Barnes & Nobles' website.
$10.49 + postage & packing. According to the synopsis "it will enchant young readers and amuse parents and teachers who read to them." Grades five - seven
RECIPES FOR RESCUE. This book was compiled and edited by Sally Wallis
and is sold exclusively in aid of Basenji Rescue. It contains over 60
pages of recipes kindly donated by Basenji owners from a dozen countries, divided
into nine sections and illustrated with (also donated) photographs of Basenjis
doing their natural 'thing'. Orders may be sent to me direct - Sally Wallis
: zandebasenjis@btopenworld.com.
The book costs £7.50 - or US$12.00, plus overseas postage which differs according
to the number of copies ordered but is now available. Email for details "A REVIEW OF THE BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA BASENJI STANDARD" (Editing
and layout by Susan Coe and Sandra Bridges), January, 1991. Slick, 12-page fold-out
brochure of the 1990 official Basenji Club of America Basenji standard with
comments. One through 19 copies--$2.00 each; 20 or more--$1.00 each. Prices
include postage. Make checks payable to B.C.O.A. and order from Margaret Grundman,
7800 NW 14th St., Ocala, Florida 34482-4448. ROU'S TIPS FOR BASENJI by
Pamela Kennedy, illustrated by her 7.5 year old daughter Sophie with wonderful
whimsical drawings and photos inserted by Pamela's husband, is written from
Rou's point of view. She gives tips on every day living - dinner always taste
better after killing a stuffed toy, tongue-drying your human children after
a bath, and a popular page regarding doggy TV which is actually a French door
off their kitchen where she watches birds and squirrels. Priced at $13,00 of
which $1,00 is donated to Sophie's school, this 'must have' Basenji book can
be purchased via the website at www.roudog.com
and M. Cotter is a comprehensive guide (280 pages w/photographs) dedicated to
making the adoption of a "rescued" Basenji a success. Quantity discounts are
available to rescue groups and breed clubs that support Basenji Rescue. The
second edition was published in 1999 by Windigo Harbor Media, P.O. Box 182397,
Shelby Twp., MI 48318-2397 U.S.A. It can be ordered for $12.00 U.S. (plus shipping
and handling) from http://www.WindigoHarborMedia.com.
SO YOU WANT TO... "Breed Your Basenji" (©1996), "Buy a Basenji,"
"Course Your Basenji," "Enjoy your Basenji," privately published by Mary Lou
Kenworthy, 398 Mountain Oak Trail, Jasper, GA 3014
USA telephone 770-894-5527.
THE STORY OF TONGDAENG By His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand.
ISBN 974-272-626-4. Published in Thailand by Amarin Printing & Publishing
Company Limited. This enchanting book - left page English, right Thai - illustrated
with photos of the King with his dogs, chronicles the finding of Tongdaeng,
a Basenji look-alike, her litter to a pedigree Basenji, life at the Palace and
on the beach. TIPS ON RAISING YOUR BASENJI by Betsy Polglase ©1995. Privately
published by Betsy Polglase, 341 N. Billerica Rd., Tewksbury, MA 01876, U.S.A.,
$8 postpaid. Telephone & FAX: (508) 458-8108 Email : BPolglase@comcast.net
Lou Kenworthy, and available from the Author. Mary Lou Kenworthy, 398 Mountain Oak Trail, Jasper, GA 3014
U.S.A., telephone 770-894-5527. WALK MY WAY by Paige Dixon. Athenaeum Press, 1980. Fiction, age group
grades 7-9. This is the story of "Kitty", a 14 year old girl hiking into the
wilderness of New Hampshire in the way to her aunt's house in Maine. She's joined
by a Basenji who was lost in a car accident, and later by an elderly man and
his young grandson also walking to Maine. Many adventures, much growing-up,
etc. It's a nice story in general, and the Basenji is a fairly strong character.
The descriptions of his behaviour and traits are charming and accurate - the
author obviously knew a Basenji well. WHERE HAVE ALL THE OLD DOGS GONE by Carmella Troisi-Hoerr, Mary Lou
Kenworthy & Karen Butler (a few copies available, but no longer in print.
Write to Carmella Troisi-Hoerr, 515 E Carefree Hwy - PMB 925
Phoenix, AZ 85085 U.S.A.,
telephone: (602) 206-4485. WHY A BASENJI by Ron Thackerah, English Publications. YODELS, WAILS AND BASENJI TAILS Edited by Angela Anderson and Pam Maremont,
1998. This compilation of Basenji stories results from a suggestion of Lyn Detjens.
Proceeds are to be used to fund Basenji rescue and contributions for a second
edition are solicited. Price is $8.50-- plus book-rate postage as follows: 1
or 2 books - $1.24; 3 books - $1.74 and 5 books - $4.00. Larger orders accepted.
Checks or money orders to Pam Maremont, 4226 N. Hamlin, Chicago, IL 60618. YOUR BASENJI by Evelyn Green. Denlinger's Publishing, Ltd., P.O. Box
76, Fairfax, VA 22030, U.S.A., 1976. Can be ordered through most book stores.
Cost approximately $13.00 + shipping and handling. YOUR BASENJI PUPPY by Marie Steele and Barbara Field. ZENDE A DOG OF A VERY SPECIAL BREED - published privately by Margaret
Christy Davies of the well-known 'Azenda' Affix. The six stories were published
in "The Basenji" magazine in 1968/69.
THE BASENJI (A'ASIA) 1947-1976 -- published by the Basenji Hound Club
of New South Wales, Australia, and the Basenji Club of Victoria, Australia.
THE BASENJI (A'ASIA) 1976-1981 -- published by the Basenji Hound Club
of New South Wales. THE BASENJI (A'ASIA) 1981-1989 -- published by the Basenji Hound Club
of New South Wales. BASENJI CHAMPIONS, 1937-1977-- English Kennel Club Registered 1--131,
Edited by Jayne Wilson-Stringer & Elspet Ford, Theddlethorpe All Saints,
Lincs., England. Published March, 1978. BASENJI CHAMPIONS, 1978-1989 -- English Kennel Club Registered 131--201,
Edited by Jayne Wilson-Stringer, Theddlethorpe All Saints, Lincs., England.
Published April 1990. BASENJI CHAMPIONS, 1990-1996 -- English Kennel Club Registered 131--201,
Edited by Jayne Wilson-Stringer, Theddlethorpe All Saints, Lincs., England.
Published June 1997, this latest of Jayne's books contains some colour photographs
and continues her historical record of Basenjis Champions in Britain. BASENJIS - Champion & Titled Dogs in Germany - by Noel Baaser, Mutabaruga
Basenjis. This exciting new Breed record contains over 50 colour photos with
3 generation pedigrees of successful German bred and imported dogs. The books
comes as a loose-leaved binder, similar to The African Stock Project, and there
will be regular updates. At DM35,00 plus p&p, this is essential to any well-stocked
Basenji library ! You can order direct from Noel by email sportartikel@allzweck.do
BASENJI CHAMPIONS of SWEDEN, 1951-1996 -- Edited by Mia Lowbeer and
Lotten Fornell and available from Lotten Eriksson. Email to triads@mailbox.swipnet.se.
BASENJI CHAMPIONS, 1982-1986 (Book 2) - published in 1988 by Camino
E. E. & B. company. No author listed although thanks are expressed to Jan Bruner.
$28.95. Reader's Advantage Price: $27.50. In stock. URL is Barnes
& Noble BASENJIS IN AUSTRALASIA published by the Basenji Club of New South Wales,
Inc. Complete to 2001 BASENJIS I DANMARK This valuable book, detailing pedigrees of Basenjis
imported into or bred in Denmark, is illustrated with photos and has been complied,
edited & designed by Pia Wright (Kennel Fallohide). Photos included show all
aspects of Basenjis at rest, at play, showing - even their dislikes are depicted.
The book is loose-leaved, printed by Finn Skaaning. Price is DKK 250.- plus
p&p " (overseas approx. DKK 120.-, as the book weighs 2,488 kg). FINNISH CHAMPION/PEDIGREE BOOK, compiled by the Finnish Basenji Club,
2004. For more information - contact Anna
Paasivuori . She is responsible for Finnish Basenji Club's accessories NORSK BASENJIKLUBB Handbok I 1951 - 2001 by Anne Lindeberg. ISBN 82-300-0001-8.
This is a 'must' for collectors of Basenji books. Its a complete encyclopaedia
of Basenjis in Norway over the past 50 years with pedigrees, Rolls of Honour,
details of imported Basenjis, photos and a history based on anecdotes. The book
costs NOK 270,- Postage to USA NOK 150,- and to UK NOK 100,-. Approximate rates
of change - US$1 = 8 NOK, and £1 = 11.5 NOK. THE YEARS OF THE AMERICAN BASENJI originally complied by Susan Coe,
Melody Russell . Later L. Jane Williams was a welcome addition to the team. Current editors are Wanda Pooley and Beth
Straub. This is a historic Basenji pedigree book, including over 4,000 American
titled Basenjis from the first American Basenjis through the current times.
The five, 7-ring binder set is $450.00 US; Books and yearly supplements may
be sold separately. Visit the website at www.yearsambasenji.com
Make checks payable to Years of the American Basenji and mail to Wanda Pooley,
8050 Old River Road, Rockford, IL 61103-8736. Phone contact: Wanda - 815-282-2584;
Beth - 763-295-4354. THE YEARS OF THE AMERICAN BASENJI - Book One has been revised and correct
by Wanda Pooley & Beth Straub. New, better quality, photos have been used where
the original ones fell short of modern techno-standards. Available from 11th
April, 2003, the price is $75 with a binder and $60 for pages only. Postage
and packing can be assessed once the Book is available but you can find full
details and an order form on the 'Years' site - www.yearsambasenji.com A DOGS LIFE--LIFE MAGAZINE (Basenji pictured with fan). THE AFRICAN GIANT by Stuart Cloete (mentions Basenjis). ALL ABOUT DOGS by Carol Burger, 1962. ALL COLOUR BOOK OF DOGS by Wendy Boorer. Published by Octopus Books
Limited, London, England, in 1975. Featuring a photos of a red/white and a black/white
Basenji. I have an idea they are Horsleys but amn't certain. AMONG CONGO PYGMIES, by Paul Schebesta, published by Hutchinson &
Co., 1993. ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE BASENJIS, by Captain F. B. Johnson, 1971. ANIMALS OF EAST AFRICA, by Louis B. Leakey, 1969. THE BARKLESS DOGS OF AFRICA, by Barbara Eastwood Breed spotlight July
1994 issue of Dog World. "An ancient breed native to central Africa, Basenjis
have long been highly prized for their intelligence, speed, hunting ability
and silence. This has a stunning picture of Bounder as a pup. (Ch Blucrest Bound
for Reveille). THE BARKLESS DOG OF THE CONGO by Olivia Burn. An article from June 1937
American Kennel Club Gazette about the history of the Basenji dog. Many black
and white photographs illustrate the text. This is the original article, not
a reprint. In a mylar sleeve. (Keywords: dog, basenji) The price of the book
is US$ 15.00. Please reference the seller's book # ABE-181433818 when ordering.
The seller is Dog Ink, 46 Cooper Lane , Larchmont, NY, U.S.A., 10538. dogink@aol.com
Tel: 914 834 9029 Fax: 914 834 9029. THE BASENJI REVELATION by
Simon Cleveland. ISBN 1411612507. Published by Lulu Press, Incorporated in September
2004 and available from the Barnes & Noble site
in paperback @ $12.98. Sam, a weapons analyst is battling a recurrent nightmare
and an obsession with his Basenji dog. Readers are taken on a scary trip from
Egypt's Valley of the Kings to the jungles of Gabon.
BASIC COLORED PENCIL TECHNIQUES, by Bet Borgeson. Opposite the title
page there is a picture called "Travelers", showing 2 tri-coloured Basenjis
on a trail in a wooded area. Published by North Light Books, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ISBN 0891347364. Price 17.99 (U.S.), 25.99 (Canada), 11.99 (UK). BREED PROFILE, "Out of Africa," Dog Fancy, June, 1991 by Sally Ann Smith.
CASSIE'S BOOMERANG PUPS, by Sally Ann Smith. July 1994 issue of Dog
World. "Labrador bids a happy adieu to three rambunctious Basenji pups, but
when their new homes don't turn out as expected, she welcomes them back with
open paws." CHAD, by Stephen A. Tring (children's' fiction) by Stephen A. Tring,
Reindeer Books, 1966. CHARTED EGYPTIAN DESIGNS, a Dover publication (has stylized Basenji).
CHILDREN OF THE FOREST - Life with the Mbuti Pygmies by Kevin Duffy.
Published 1984 by Robert Hale, Limited, London ISBN 0-7090-2559-9 From the jacket:
"Kevin Duffy climaxed more than twenty years as a student of African native
languages and customs with a unique solitary visit to the Mbuti Pygmies. Culturally
the purest group of Pygmy huntrs and gatherers in the world, the Mbuti live
in the Ituri Forest of equatorial Africa." There isn't much about dogs in this
book, However, on p.88 there is a mention of the two dogs of the village he
stayed in CLAUD COCKBURN SUMS UP, ISBN # 0 7043 3468 2, Publisher: Quartet Books
of London, Melbourne & New York. (Reference to Basenji Mother of 'em all,
Amataganzig.) THE COPPER PEACOCK, a collection of short stories by Ruth Rendell, features
a short story called 'Paperwork' which mentions Basenjis significantly and very
positively. COMIC BOOK: Tarzan of the Apes, September, 1970, Western Publishing
Co.,Inc. Poughkeepsie, New York #10012-009. This is a Gold Key "Collector's
Edition" #195. At the end of the comic are four pages "reprinted by popular
demand" of "Bantu, Dog of the Arande," copyright 1966, Western Publishing Co.,
Inc. It is an accurate story about "Bantu," a Basenji. CONGO KITABU, by Jean Pierre Hallet, Random Press, 1966. COUNTRY LIFE, May 21, 1992 (English publication) Photo of two brindle
basenjis in quarantine kennel. DEBYLANDT'S DOGS OF ALL NATIONS (1904) "Terrier du Congo Belge". THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOG by D. Brian Plummer ISBN 0-85115-637-1 Published
by The Boydell Press 1995, retailing at £16.95. There is a chapter on The Dingo
Group, which includes details of Basenjis which are mentioned in other chapters
too. Like most of Mr Plummer's earlier works, this is thought provoking, interesting
and at times humorous. I am reliably informed that many working (dog) folks
dislike show folks, believing them to have ruined breeds in one way or another.
THE DINGO IN AUSTRALIA AND ASIA by Professor Laurie Corbett (1995) ISBN
0-8014-8264-X. Published by Cornell University Press, this book contains references
to Basenjis and the author makes interesting comparisons between Dingoes and
Basenjis ! DOG, a book of canine photographs by Deborah Samuel. Copyright
2001 by Herter Studio and Deborah Samuel. Published by Herter Studio, 432 Elizabeth
St., San Francisco, CA 94114 USA. www.herterstudio.com DOG LOCOMOTION & GAIT ANALYSIS by Curtis M. Brown. Hoflin Publishing
(USA). DOG FANCY, June, 1991. Basenji article and centerfold photo.
Carried on by Betsy Polglase, when she was editor of B.C.O.A. Bulletin Board
Newsletter (11/15/96).
Additions from Donna Smith and Betsy Polglase printed in the 8/31/96 B.C.O.A.
Bulletin Board Newsletter.
Further additions contributed by: Noel Baaser, Germany; Peter Batterbee, U.K.; Gwen Brown, U.S.A.;
Charles Bruton, U.S.A., Dorothy Collette, U.S.A.; Maria Cotter, U.S.A.; Laura
Endley, U.S.A.; Donna Falk, U.S.A.; Anne Graves, U.S.A.; Georgia Henry, U.S.A.;
Chris Hartley & Larry Cooper, U.S.A.; Susan Hayek, U.S.A.; Lauris Hunt, Australia;
Karen Hyland, Australia; Carrie Jones, U.S.A.; James Johannes, U.S.A.; Lucie
Junova, Czech Republic; Susan Kamen Marsicano, U.S.A.; Mary Lou Kenworthy, U.S.A.;
Marianne Klinkowski, U.S.A.; Marie Knight, S.A.; Kevin & Therese Leimback, U.S.A.; Anne Lindeberg,
Norway; Mark Meister, U.S.A.; May Mills & Les Harris, U.K.; Chey Miller,
U.S.A.; Andie Paysinger, U.S.A.; Vickie Perrine, U.S.A.; Jena Pinkham, U.S.A;
Wanda Pooley, U.S.A.; Betsy Polglase, U.S.A.; Mike Ramsay, U.K.; Dan Ryno, U.S.A.; Jackie Sieg, U.S.A.;
Sally-Ann Smith, U.S.A.; Linda Stilwell, U.S.A.; Carolyn Stoffel, U.S.A.; Beth
Straub, U.S.A.; Al and Sue Swapp, U.S.A.; Sally Wallis, U.K.; Mary Webber, U.S.A.;
Burt Weedon, U.K.; Laura Whitney , U.S.A.; Jane L. Williams, U.S.A.; Lynn Wilson,
U.S.A.; Cathy Woade, U.S.A.; Malcolm Woade, U.S.A.; Marcia Woodard, U.S.A.; Catherine Wright, U.K.;
Pia Wright, Denmark
Many secondhand books can be traced via john.cocking@virgin.net
Details available from Linda Siekert
The African Stock Project
c/o Linda Siekert
6800 N Montezuma Dr
Tucson, AZ 85718-2432
Price for the book and CD covers postage and handling. Make checks or money
orders payable to the BCOA in U.S. funds only.
To order a printed copy of the 2005 African Stock Project Book which contains
the Imports and the 1990 Foundation Stock Descendants (photos are black and
white) send:
· $24 for the entire report in a binder
· $20 for a update of the 1990 registered dogs & Avongara descendants
section for those who not updated prior to January 2005
· $14 for a update of the 1990 registered dogs & Avongara descendants
section for those having the December 2004 update
· $8 for a CD
CD can be used by a Windows or Macintosh PC having MS Internet Explorer or Netscape
browser version 4 or higher installed. Quicktime installer is included to view
the videos.
Mail to BCOSW, 278 W. Washington, Poynette, WI 53955, U.S.A. Or use the order
form on our website: http://www.bcosw.org
There is a web page for the EBC Basenji manual at: http://basenji.org/ebc/manual.htm
BASENJI CHAMPIONS, 1997 - 2012 - English Kennel Club Registered during the past 15 years. Published by the Basenji Club of Great Britain, this book covers the years from 1997 to the present day and follows the tradition of Jayne Wilson-Stringer’s Champion books.
This edition is in full colour with photos of every Champion finished in the past 15 years (62 pages) and includes an Illustrated Review of those years by Simon Parsons.
It is obtainable from Mrs Frances Dodd, 7 Sarahs Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk PE36 5PA for £15.00 plus £2.00 UK postage. Overseas sales and for airmail postage rates contact the BCGB Chairman, BCGB Chairman
You can see the book and read about it on Pia's
website and order it direct from Pia - fallohide@tdcadsl.dk
Order direct from Anne - basenji@online.no
Payment should be made to the Norwegian Basenji Club at the following address:
NBK c/o S. Johannessen, Fagerlivn. 3, N-1605 Fredrikstad, NORWAY. Bank - Gjensidige
Nor. Account no. 16380124487 or you can send a bank cheque. Payment in NOK (Norwegian
Kronor) only.
It is still not too late to sponsor a dog or get your own Champions into the
2003 Supplement
Terms of sale: Mastercard and Visa Accepted. Cheques in US dollars drawn on
US banks. Postage is $4.75 for first book. $1.50 each additional book. Foreign
carriage at cost.
To order this book click here:
Dog Ink
ISBN 0-8118-3216-3. There are photos of the Jones sisters' Juri (page 41), Rocket
(page 42) and Steven, Rags and Juri (page 81).
DOGS a mini-book by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, first published in France 1993, Société Nouvelle des Editions du Chéne. This edition published by Barnes and Noble, Inc. copyright 2000. ISBN 0-7607-2363-X. There is a larger version of this book which we believe is out of print.
DOGS - 1983 copyright, Rien Poortvleit/Unieboek BV Van Holkema & Warendorf, Bussum, the Netherlands This edition, 1996, published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York ISBN 0-8109-8140-8. There is a drawing of 'Zarah, A Basenji' and a white Poodle and a terrier type doggie.
DOGS OF AFRICA by Sian Hall. This book details the history, characteristics, similarities and dissimilarities of dog breeds in Africa and how they fit within the seven basic African dog types. Hall is a researcher and writer who lives in South Africa. Softcover, illustrated, 360 pages. Published by Alpine http://www.alpinepub.com/news.html
DOGS OF MYTH: "Tales from Around the World" by Gerald Hausman, et.al. The very first story is about a Basenji named Rukuba who steals fire from the Fire God to give to a man. In typical Basenji fashion, he trades the fire for the promise of being cared for forever, but there is a price... There are other cool stories as well, all based on old myths from around the world, and the illustrations are intriguing. It's geared for ages 9-12, or dog lovers in general. Amazon.com has it, if you want to check out the cover art (not a Basenji, unfortunately).
DOG PROBLEMS: THE GENTLE, MODERN CURE by David Weston & Ruth Ross, (paperback) $14.00, published by Howell Book House, December, 1993, ISBN: 0876055072 (Basenji used in illustrations and a couple of references.)
THE DOMESTIC DOG: ITS EVOLUTION, BEHAVIOR AND INTERACTIONS WITH PEOPLE edited by James Serpell, 1995, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 521 41529 2 (hardback) and 0 521 42537 9 (paperback). Paperback is $19.95 (mentions Basenjis specifically in two places.) Available from Cambridge University £14.95 soft-backed edition.
A DONKEY AND A DANDELION (fiction) by Doris Rybot with illustrations
by Douglas Hall. Published by Hutchinson, London 1966. This book was discovered
in a second-hand listing - 127pp, VG condition. It seems that the second story
is about Dorcas, the donkey and her new friend, Dandelion, the turbulent and
loveable Basenji. $75.00
See also KINGDOM FOR A DONKEY by the same author
FABULOUS CONGO by Felice Belloti, published by Andrew Dakers, Ltd., 1954.
FACING DANGER IN THE LAST WILDERNESS, unknown author, Bolton House, Inc., 1962.
FIGURE OF EIGHT by Patricia Cockburn, published by Chatto & Windus, Hogarth Press, date unknown. ISBN 0701 128 976 0 909 96. The author tells how Amataganzig came to London, her escapades there and how she went to live with Veronica Tudor-Williams.
GENETICS AND THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE DOG by John Paul Scott and John L. Fuller, University of Chicago Press, 1965. This book covers 13 years of breeding and cross-breeding five breeds of dogs - including Basenjis - while testing the offspring for genetic traits of behavior.
HOROSCOPES FOR DOGS - Pets and Their Planets by Jean Dixon, published 1979 by Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0395274532
HUNTING DOGS IN AMERICA by Jeff Griffen, illustrated by Raymond S. Pease, 1964 (two pages including a line drawing of two Basenjis near a long-horned antelope with a hunter holding a spear in the background drawn by Raymond Pease, as well as a photograph of Ch Coptokin Ameliette.)
HUNTING DOGS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN by David Hancock appears in the Kennel Gazette of May 1984 and features a photograph of Bokoto Nile Arabis of Drakesleat. AKA Tuppy.
I CAN READ ABOUT DOGS AND PUPPIES by J.I. Anderson & illustrated by Janice Kinnearly. Children's book which includes Basenjis. This is a very good book for young folks (even 5 year olds) which mentions many breeds and the groups they belong to. Towards the end of the book, there is a paragraph that reads: "Did you know that there is one dog that does not bark? He is the Basenji (ba-SEN-jee), an African hound. The Basenji makes noises that sound like yodels!" There is a drawing of a red and white Basenji. One small boy was thrilled that they mentioned "his" kind of dog! It is not that often that we can read of our Breed in a children's book . Available from Amazon.
IM HERZEN VON AFRIKA by Dr. Schweinfurth, unknown publisher, 1918.
IN PRAISE OF DOGS by Tara Darling, Kathy Darling (Two photos of a litter of half-African brindle puppies and the other is of Ch. Serengeti Reveille Larkspur & Ch. Reveille Tried and True.)
IN THE SHADE OF THE TREE by Piers Anthony (science fiction/fantasy--has two Basenjis in it.)
Guide To Registered Breeds'. Copyright : The Kennel Club 1998. First published
in Great Britain in 1998 by Ebury Press, London. The list of Illustrations features
"Page 1: Fula of the Congo, pastel drawing by Andie Paysinger, 1975. Fula, a
Basenji, was found in the South Sudan in 1959 and brought to Britain by Veronica
Tudor-Williams. Although never shown, she was bred from and did not pass on
any real faults. She is thought to have done more for the progress of her breed
than any other dog, in any breed, has ever done."
KENNEL GAZETTE, June, 1996. (English publication). Article on Basenjis.
KINGDOM FOR A DONKEY by Doris Rybot. Recent comment on this book reads thus :
This is a very charming book about Doris Rybot's time with her donkey Dorkis,
how they acquired their donkey and adventures in the Holly Forest by their home
in company with their dogs. She has a Basenji named Clover who is mentioned
in the book. It also addresses the author's feelings on the treatment of animals
and whether they have souls. It was great fun and a quick read.
See also
A DONKEY AND A DANDELION by the same author.
LAND AND PEOPLE OF THE KASAI, by Hilton Simpson, publication details unknown.
LEIGHTON'S NEW BOOK OF THE DOG, Basenji section, 1906.
LEOPARD IN MY LAP, Michaela Denis, published by Julia Messner, Inc., 1955.
LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING by Han Suyin (2 Basenjis mentioned.)
MAN'S BEST FRIEND--National Geographic Book of Dogs, 1958 & 1966.
MY PYGMY AND NEGRO HOSTS by Paul Schbesta, published by Hutchinson & c, 1955.
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, October, 1937, has a picture of the three African Basenji Imports shown at Cruft's dog show in London, February, 1937.
THE NATURAL HISTORY OF DOGS by Richard and Alice Fiennes, published
1970 for the America Museum of Natural History by Natural History Press (Basenjis
mentioned several times.)
1960 issue. Article entitled "My Life with Africa's Little People" by Anne Eisner
Putnam, pp. 278-302. There is one picture of a Basenji surrounded by Pygmies
and a description about preparing a dog for an Elephant hunt.
THE NEW KNOWLEDGE OF DOG BEHAVIOR - Pfaffenberger, C. 1963. NY: Howell Books. 206 pp. Chapter 10 titled "Close as a Brother May Not Be Very Close" explains about genetics and inheritance of character. The author uses the cross breeding of Basenjis and Cocker Spaniels at the Hamilton Station in Bar Harbor, Maine as an example of how this works. Page 140 has pictures of a Basenji sire and Cocker Spaniel dam and 4 of their descendants.
ONCE UPON A TIME IN EGYPT, Frances Kent Gere, 1937.
Publishing Corp. NY. Very in depth on the dogs of Africa and their origins.
There are two volumes. The first volume, chapter 1 is on Dogs. He also does
Cattle, Goats, Pigs, horses, Guinea Fowl, and sheep. Basenjis are mentioned
in the Pariah dog section.
Here is a outline of what he discusses on dogs.
I. A Survey of Wild CanidaePARIAHUNDE (Pariah Dogs) - Menzel, R., und Menzel, R. 1960.. Die Neue Brehm - Bucherie; 267. A. Ziemsen Verlag - Wittenberg Lutherstadt. 84 pp.
II. Studer's Classification of Prehistoric Dogs
III. Distribution and Characteristics of the Dogs of Africa
i. The Pariah Dogs of AfricaIV. Origin and Descent of the Dogs of Africa
ii. The Greyhounds of Africa
iii.The Mastiffs of Ancient Egypt
iv. The Hounds of Africa
i. The Influence of Deomestication on the Canine Cranium
ii. The Origin of the Pariah Dogs of Africa
iii. The Origin of the Greyhounds of Africa
iv. The Origin of the Mastiffs of Ancient Egypt
v. The Origin of the Hounds of Ancient Egypt
PRIMITIVE BREEDS - PERFECT DOGS by Vladimir Beregovoy & Jill Moore
Porter. ISBN 0-86667-065-3. Published by Hoflin Publishing (as Dogville). $75
in electronic form, available now. $150 + s&h in print form - 2 to 4 week
Email Hoflin Publishing or write Hoflin
Publishing - 4401 Zephyr St. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033. Phone 303/420-2222.
The reference book on Primitive Breeds that we have all been waiting for. Encyclopaedia
style and illustrated, it covers all primitive breeds, their history, characteristics,
original uses. The photos are often stunning.
POINT DE VUE - this French magazine of May 11th 1979 (#1607) features Queen Juliana of the Netherlands with Fula Nzara of of the Congo on cover. Inside there are 6 full pages with B&W photos and French articles proclaiming "LES PAYS-BAS EN FÊTE POUR LES 70 ANS DE JULIANA". (The Netherlands celebrate the 70th Birthday of Queen Juliana).
PYGMIES & BUSHMEN OF THE KALAHARI The chapter on hunting tells us :"To assist the Bushmen in the capture of wild animals dogs are employed, and these are the only animals they possess. These are lean, hungry-looking mongrels, half starved and savage tempered. They accompany their masters when hunting, and it is astonishing with what courage they will tackle a leopard or a hyena, the courage no doubt born of hunger. At the same time they know their masters will back them up. They are quite silent on the soper, and never betray the presence of the hunters by barking, though they will snarl and sometimes bark if one approaches a Bushman encampment. It has been asserted that they cannot bark, but I think this is a mistaken opinion, as those that I have met could bark, though they were not so noisy as European dogs."
REIGNING CATS AND DOGS History Redrawn. Written and Illustrated by Michael Hingley, published by Howell Book House, NY 1997 ISBN 0-87605-697-4. A basenji appears as Kim Basenji, dressed in a low-cut spaghetti-strapped pink gown and fishnet stockings. A Georgia-whelped dog, Basenji studied dancing and singing though she somewhat surprisingly intended to make her professional bowwow as a comedy act. She found work with the risqué magazine Playdog. No matter how many roles she plays, she will probably best be remembered, mainly by male dogs, for her seductive role in 9 1/2 Walks." Kim is among a cast of characters that include Joe Cocker Spaniel, Mohammed Alley Cat, The Beagles, Napoleon Bone-Aparte, Spaniel Boone....
Gaisseau, New York: Alfred A. Knoff, 1954. 247 pages. Illustrations are between
page 152 and 153. Translated from the French by Stephen Becker. Originally published
in France as Foret Sacree, copyright 1954 by Editions Albin Michel.
Dogs are mentioned on page 64, 100, 105-109, 125-126, and 187-188. The first
of three pictures of Basenjis in this book shows one about to be sacrificed
to the Great Spirit. The book details the story of three Frenchmen in French
Guinea who were trying to film the secret practices of the Toma people. They
stayed in Africa from Feb to May 1953. The area in which they filmed was just
across the border from NW Liberia near Macenta, Guinea.
"SATURDAY EVENING POST," "Please Come Home My Lady," (another source has this as "Weep No More, My Lady") by James W. Street, December 6, 1941.
"THE SEARCH FOR TASILI FRESCOS" - The Rock paintings of the Sahara" by Henry Lhote
SWIFTER THAN THE ARROW, the Golden Hunting Hounds of Ancient Egypt (ISBN 10 1 84511 116 8) is newly published by author Michael Rice and has several interesting mentions of Basenjis. What he has to say about color is particularly intriguing...
TEA SHOP WALKS IN LANCASHIRE This is a wonderful publication for those interested in walking and talking in village and countryside Tea Shops along the route. It was published in 1997 and the author and photographer Clive Price. The picture is on page 116 shows a Basenji outside The Priory, Scorton. It is very likely that this Basenji is Kimour Kintan Kiri, born in December, 1982. In the background are three cars with registration letters F and G which means that the picture was taken sometime after 1988.
TEEN AGE DOG STORIES edited by David Thomas, 1949 ("Please Come Home My Lady" by James Street).
THE UNICORNS OF KILIMANJARO by Robert Vavra, published by William Morrow and Co., Inc., New York, 1988. (book is full of Robert Vavra's photographs, including himself and his Basenjis; also sketch of Basenji. Also references to his Basenjis and Veronica Tudor Williams in the text.)
THIS DOG FOR HIRE (fiction-mystery) by Carol Lea Benjamin, 1996, Walker and Co., New York, ISBN 0-8027-3292-5. The book has been nominated for mystery writers' Edgar Award. A Basenji named Magritte is one of the characters.
THE ULTIMATE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF DOGS, DOG BREEDS & DOG CARE by Dr Peter Larkin & Mike Stockman. ISBN 1 84309.128.3. I found this for sale on a stall somewhere and the section on Basenjis didn't seem to me to be either accurate or helpful.
VERSES AND CURSES (poetry) by various authors, Basenji Club of Victoria, publication date unknown.
WHERE ARE YOU TO ?' ISBN 0954304101 £10.99. P&P free (UK). 377 paperback written around the author's move to Cornwall in 1998 and containing a wealth of animal content, including anecdotes about 2 horses, 3 Great Danes, 5 Burmese cats & Chan the Basenji. www.clearwaterbooks.com
WILD DOGS OF THE WORLD by Lois E. Bueler, 1973, Stein & Day (U.S.) ISBN #0-8128-1568-6, and Saunders of Toronto, Ltd. (Canada). It is VERY hard to get hold of--took Book Look 1 year to find a copy. Fascinating read about all the wild dogs. Basenjis are mentioned on pages 115 and 117.
THESE WONDERS TO BEHOLD by Lawrence G Green, pubished by Howard Timmins in Capetown, 1954. This is a fascinating read which embodies a lifetime of travel around the Dark Continent. The author introduces the reader to the Kalahari, the Sahara and you mingle with the gypsies of Egypt. The Basenji interest is covered by old photos and are discussed in great depth on pages 191 et seq.
"ACE VENTURA: PET DETECTIVE" (1994). (Jim Carrey. New release of this film on video includes footage of a black and white Basenji, which was cut from the original release. This Basenji was featured on the cover of the video in Australia.)
"AFRICAN QUEEN"--(Humphrey Bogard/Catherine Hepburn. Basenji sitting on lap of native in church scene at the beginning of the movie.)
"Air Bud - World Pup" Movie, possibly the 3rd instalment of the series. Towards the end, two crooks are being chased by a pack of dogs. At least 2 Basenjis are seen running with the pack and they can clearly be identified when the pack stops. The same camera shot is shown several times with red and white Basenjis right up front and possibly a black and white Basenji in the back right corner of the screen.
"ALL'S QUIET ON THE CANINE FRONT" (1930), and "TRADER HORN" (ca 1930-35), movie shorts of about 5 minutes each of the "Dogville" comedy series, made by Metro Goldwyn Meyer studios in the U.S. during the early 1930's. Contains trained dogs as actors - two of which are clearly Basenjis. These shorts may sometimes be seen in the U.S. on the Turner Classic Movie cable channel.
CONSTANT GARDENER - a movie about a diplomat assigned to Kenya. His wife was a bit of a radical (just a bit !) who became involved in humanitarian efforts with the people. There is a shot of a Basenji puppy in the village. It seems to be a tri, old enough to have perked up ears and with a loopy tail. A child has it on a rope leash.
"GOODBYE MY LADY" Screenplay from the book by James Street. Released by Warner's Home Video, $20.00. Stars Walter Brennan, Brandon de Wilde and Sidney Poitier. Filmed in Louisiana in the 1950's. Black and white. Available on order through most video stores.
"THE MAGIC OF LASSIE" (1978) with James Stewart, and Alice Faye as the waitress in the truck-stop diner. During one of the scenes, a Basenji can be seen in the cab of an 18-wheeler in the parking lot. The scene only lasts for a short time, but the cab window and the Basenji take up the full screen. It was previously thought that this scene featured in the movie "Smokey and the Bandit" (1977) and our thanks go to Barbara Moulton of Pennsylvania for pointing out the error.
MYSTIC FIRE VIDEO, INC.--possibly the fourth (and last) volume contains the Borneo Basenji: 1-800-727-8433 for ordering information).
"RING OF FIRE"--Lorne & Lawrence Blair Production (1988).
VERONICA TUDOR-WILLIAMS & HER BASENJI DOGS AND PUPPIES can be seen at this link VTW & Puppy Movie - 1954 Video of VTW with Basenji Puppies and Adults and 1938 Video of Mrs Burn with Basenji Puppies and Adults (Windows Media Player required)
"ZAIRE 87-88" Seventy minutes, edited from two trips to northeastern Zaire by Basenji breeders. Available from Kibushi Kennels, 8761 N. Reams Rd., Centralia, MO 65240, U.S.A. $30.00 + $2.00 shipping/handling. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.
THE BASENJI MAGAZINE published monthly by Windigo Harbor Media, PO Box 182397, Shelby Township, MI 48318-2397. Devoted to Basenjis Worldwide since 1964. Please visit TheBasenji.com for current issue content, subscription information and the safe & secure online subscription center.
THE BARK monthly newsletter of The Basenji Club of Northern California, Inc. Editor: Eunice Ockerman euniceo@pacbell.net
BASENJI Bi-MONTHLY published every two months by the Basenji Club of Victoria Inc., Australia. Editor Mrs D M Duffin, 160 Warrandyte Road, North Ringwood, Vic. 3134, Australia. Email dduffin@netspace.net.au
BASENJI CHRONICLE Newsletter published three times a year by the Basenji Club of Great Britain. Editors: Jackie Cooley & Lesley Seccatore, 26 Hurdis Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 2SP, England
BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA Newsletter. Editors: Wanda Pooley, 8050 Old River
Road, Rockford, IL 61103-8736, U.S.A. Email albasenji@rockriver.net
& Rose Thomson. Email rose@nobark.com
BASENJI CLUB OF GREATER DETROIT Newsletter. Editors: Rosanna Taylor and Robin Lindman, 19201 Antago, Livonia, Michigan, 45152, U.S.A.
BASENJI CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Newsletter. Editor: Andie Paysinger, 45800 Challenger Way, Space 239, Lancaster, California 93535, U.S.A.
BASENJI COMPANIONS (America) Bi-monthly newsletter of The Basenji Companions, a club dedicated to pet Basenjis. Approximately 12-page newsletter. Editor: Betsy Polglase, Membership $20/year. Betsy Polglase, 341 N. Billerica Rd., Tewksbury, Massachusetts 01876, USA or email: BPolglase@comcast.net
BASENJI NEWS (America) Quarterly newsletter of the Bay State Basenji Club, "the support group for Basenji owners." 14-16 page newsletter available in conjunction with B.S.B.C. membership. $20/year. Write to Lloyd Kaplan, membership, 16 Hale Ave., Hooksett, New Hampshire 03106, U.S.A., (603) 641-1891
BASENJI NEWS (Australia) Newsletter of the Basenji Club of New South Wales. Editor: Lauris Hunt, P.O. Box 31, Round Corner, NSW 2158, Australia
BASENJI OWNERS AND BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (BOBA) Newsletter, published every six months by the Basenji Owners and Breeders Association. Editors: Kackie Cooley & Leslie Seccatore , 26 Hurdis Road, Bishopston, Seaford, East Sussex
BASENJIBLADET, Basenji Magazine of Sweden. Editor: Lotten Eriksson (formally Fornell), Triads Basenjis, Vickervagen 3 nb, 145 69 Norsborg, Sweden. Email triads@mailbox.swipnet.se
THE BULLETIN BOARD Newsletter (8 times a year) Editor: Sally Ann Smith and the QUARTERLY BULLETIN of the Basenji Club of America, Inc. (glossy quarterly magazine) Editor: Carmella Troisi-Hoerr, published by the Basenji Club of America, Inc. Both publications issued in conjunction with membership in B.C.O.A. For membership information, contact Pat Bright, Membership, W1358 South Shore Dr., Palmyra, Wisconsin 53156-9798, U.S.A.
BASENJI TAM-TAM. Quarterly, illustrated newsletter published by the Basenji Club of Bohemia. Exciting new publication beautifully put together by Lucie Kopecka. A knowledge of Czech is essential to appreciate the text but not for the lovely photographs. Email lucie.kopecka@atlas.cz
BUSCHTROMMEL Newsletter of the Basenjiklub Deutschland. Secretary Uschi Grewe, 71067 Sindelfingen, Watzmannstr. 84. Email : ti.n.Abou.Teka@t-online.de
CURLY TAILS, monthly Newsletter of the Hoosier Basenji Club. Editor: Fritz Fralick, 3627 Oakwood Dr., Anderson, IN 46011, U.S.A.
ETOWAH ECHO Basenji Club Newsletter. Editor: Jo Ann Warren, P. O. Box 426, Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122, USA.
FINNISH BASENJI CLUB Newsletter. Membership 24 EURs per year with no additional charge for postage. Membership includes four newsletters of 80-90 pages each, with a few words in English and many photos, a yearbook which includes all the data and judges critiques of Basenjis in Finland, much of which is in English. Contact (Membership Secretary) Mrs Marjatta Paasila, Poutamäentie 5 A 5, FI-00360 Helsinki, Finland jasensihteeri@basenji.fi or (Editor) Tuula Laitinen
INDIAN NATIONS BASENJI CLUB Newsletter. Editor: Shirley Jones, 112 E. Larry Rd., Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801-1080.
NO BARK TIMES, monthly newsletter of the Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin. Editor: Claudia Nix, 1139 Brunswick Lane, Aurora, IL 60504, USA. Email: cgnix@megsinet.net
NORTHERN BASENJI SOCIETY Newsletter. Editor: Les Siddall, 6 Brier Hey Mill, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, W. Yorks HX7 5PR, England
THE RIP VAN WRINKLER is the newsletter of the Rip Van Wrinkle Basenji Club. It is published quarterly. Editors: Editor in Chief - Susan Kamen Marsicano, Copy Editor in Chief - Karen Sahulka, Peon Contributor in Chief - Tamara E. Allen. Contact Susan Kamen Marsicano, 12 Muse Road, Woodstock, NY 12498-2509, tel. (914)m679-8893. Email: sueapu&netstep.net
THE YODELER, Newsletter of the Hi-Country Basenji Club. Editor: Sara Center, 724 S. Youngfield Ct., Lakewood, Colorado 80228, U.S.A.
THE YODELS, Newsletter of the Willamette Valley Basenji Club, published bimonthly. Editor: Cathy Gesch (Oregon, USA), email Geshan@aol.com
History Of Unicorns Unicorns Of The Modern World
Time Mazazine Woof! An article first Posted Monday, March 17, 1947. Columbus arriving in USA meets Basenjis !
This is an ongoing, ever-growing Bibliography.
The 'NEW' flag doesn't indicate that the publication is necessarily new - just
that it is new to this Bibliography and we are eternally grateful to our contributors
If you have any additions or corrections, please share them with us.
You can email me direct, Sally Wallis : zandebasenjis@btopenworld.com
and your additions and suggestions will be included and you will be credited
in the list of contributors.
Sally & Marvin Wallis
Zande Basenjis
Email : zandebasenjis@btopenworld.com
Most recent update - 22nd August, 2019 with details of a book which came to light in South Africa
We are trying to revise all the contact
data and your help is needed !
This page will be added to from time to time and all contributors credited !